What is 1 BPS and 10 BPS?

In Kaspa, 1 BPS and 10 BPS refer to Blocks Per Second, indicating how quickly the network can generate and confirm new blocks. At 1 BPS, Kaspa would be creating one block every second, which already signifies a significant departure from the slower block times of traditional blockchains like Bitcoin (1 block every ~10 minutes) or Ethereum (pre-Ethereum 2.0, around 15 seconds). The ability to produce blocks at this rate showcases Kaspa’s innovative BlockDAG (block directed acyclic graph) architecture, which allows for parallel block creation, thereby enhancing the network’s throughput and reducing confirmation times for transactions.

Achieving 10 BPS would mean Kaspa is producing ten blocks every second, a rate that would put it at the forefront of blockchain technology in terms of speed and scalability. This high block production rate is crucial for Kaspa because it directly translates into the capacity to handle a high volume of transactions efficiently, with lower fees and minimal congestion. This efficiency is particularly advantageous for applications requiring fast transaction confirmations, like microtransactions, gaming, or any real-time financial services, making Kaspa an attractive platform for developers and users looking for performance beyond what traditional blockchains can offer.