Where can I get a Kaspa wallet?

Whether you are looking for hard storage or cold storage, Kaspa can be stored securely in the following wallets:

  • Tangem Wallet (Recommended)
    Many say Tangem is their favorite cold storage wallet! It is recommended that you buy the 3-card set because if you lose your passcode or one of your cards, you can still retrieve your funds. As long as you have 2 of your 3 cards, you will always have control of your wallet. Hide each of your three cards. DO NOT keep 2 of them in the same location. If a thief steals 2 of the cards, they will have access to your funds. Tangem wallet cards are the same size as a typical debit/credit card. Once you receive them in the mail, scan the provided QR code and follow the three easy steps, and you will be all set! When you visit Tangem.com to buy your 3-card set, be sure to use PROMO code LEQMJY for 10% discount.
  • Zelcore
  • Kasware Wallet
  • Kaspa Next Gen Wallet
  • Desktop Wallet (KDX)
  • Ledger with Kasvault
  • Goldshell Wallet (this is a cold storage wallet)
  • and more!