1. First, go to Telegram. Download and install the app.
2. Search KSPR BOT.
3. Join any of the KSPR BOT channels.
4. As soon as you join, you will be asked to create or import a wallet. If you want to create one, click create. Write down the private key it gives you. DO NOT LOSE IT. Protect it with your life. Do not copy and paste it anywhere on the internet. Someone could steal it. Keep it private. Once you have your wallet, fill it with the money. If you don’t have any money in your wallet, you can swap fiat or crypto for Kaspa at one of these exchanges or swaps. If you want to import one instead, paste your wallet address into it.
5. If you are looking for an NFT, type /nftmarket to view all NFTs.
6. Click any of the NFTs.
7. Scroll through them for the one you want.
8. Click the KAS amount that corresponds with the NFT you want. For instance, if your NFT is the third one on the second row, then click the KAS amount that is the third one on the second row.
9. Clicking a KAS amount will automatically deduct money from your wallet, and the NFT will automatically be placed in your wallet.
10. To check to make sure you have your NFT, type /balance — Beneath your KAS balance will be something that says, “KRC721 NFTs:” and below it will say the name of the NFT you just bought. This will list your NFT as being in your wallet.