What is DAGKnight?

Michael Sutton and Yonatan Sompolinsky are working on a new ordering mechanism called DAGKNIGHT where the confirmation time adapts automatically by the internet speed. This means any improvement in the network conditions of the miners and any optimization in the block validation algorithm will also speed up the confirmation time.

DAGKNIGHT (DK) is a new consensus protocol, written by the authors of this KIP, that achieves responsiveness whilst being 50%-byzantine tolerant. It is therefore faster and more secure than GHOSTDAG (GD), which governs the current Kaspa network. In DK there’s no a priori hardcoded parameter k, and consequently, it can adapt to the “real” k in the network. Concretely, in DK, clients or their wallets should incorporate k into their local confirmation policy of transactions (similarly to some clients requiring 6 confirmations in Bitcoin, and some 30 confirmations). (Source: https://github.com/kaspanet/kips/blob/master/kip-0002.md)

Infographic source: https://x.com/KaspaFacts/status/1895452419229892693

DAGKNIGHT White Paper:

The DAG KNIGHT Protocol: A Parameterless Generalization of Nakamoto Consensus


The Master of Time: How DAGKNIGHT Solves an Impossibility Result Unachievable by Bitcoin, Ethereum and Classical BFT Models
The DAG KNIGHT Protocol — Elevating Kaspa
The Rise of DAG Knight: A Protocol in Shining Armor

Video Explanations:

What is DAGKNIGHT? (Short explanation by Kaspa Founder, Yonatan Sompolinsky)
DAG Knight presentation – CESC Day 1 w/ Yonatan Sompolinsky
Kaspa Ghostdag 101 (Presented by Shai (Deshe) Wyborski)
Kaspa Coin DAGKNIGHT Explained
What Is DAGKnight And GhostDAG?
What is DAGKNight?
Kaspa’s Protocol Explained Evolution From GHOST to DAGKNIGHT
Kaspa’s DAGKNIGHT Explained
Kaspa’s Endgame: How DAGKNIGHT Revolutionizes Crypto
